24/06/2008 13:45:31
24/06/2008 05:56:03
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Visual FoxPro
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Visual FoxPro:
Windows XP SP2
Windows 2003 Server
Visual FoxPro
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Salutations Guillaume,

>I implemented the control and it works splendid.

Great ! Thanks for the feedback, I'm glad you found it useful.

>I only have 2 little questions :
>- When building the graph the form-control displays a cross. Is there any way to only show the graph when completely loaded. Like some kind of BusyState i can check ??? I already tried Thisform.LockScreen but it doesn't work.

You are correct. I thought I had applied the needed change in the latest release, but I've forgotten :-(
Sorry about that.
I'll make this adjustment. Please stay tuned, in the next version this will not happen any more.

>- We're using Crystal Reports for all our reports. Now i would like to also display the graphs in CR. Does anyone know if or how i can transfer the graph to a database ?

I really have no idea how Crystal reports works.
But I'm pretty sure you can save the chart as an image, to a temp folder, and use it in your report.

For saving to an image, just adapt this code:
Thisform.FoxCharts1.0Bmp.Save("C:\MyChart.Png", _Screen.System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png)
In the future, FoxCharts will be able to generate EMF image files. This will allow you to print really perfect charts.
Right now this still depends on a new version of GdiPlusX, that will probably be released in the next months.

Stay tuned !



>>>Does anyone know a good third party product for displaying charts/graphs ?
>>>Any product except MS Chart or MS Graph please... and easy to use ;o)
>>FoxCharts is a free VFP project from VFPX, for the creation of various charts, without ActiveX or extra DLLs. Supports up to 10 types of charts.
>>in these 3 blog posts you'll find lots of screenshots with some possible charts that you can create using FoxCharts.
>>The usage is really simple, the data is passed to the class using a simple VFP cursor, and some properties let you customize your charts in lots of ways.
>>As you'll see in the samples, you can send the outputs, charts created, directly to the printer, using the report designer, or saving the images in any file type to the disk.
>>Please enter these links for more details and screenshots:
>>Please download the latest version, that was released yesterday, directly from CodePlex, from here:
>>Then, run the 2 form samples available.
>>These are interactive forms, that will allow you to create several types of charts, with just some few mouse clicks.