01/07/2008 14:25:05
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>>>>Gun control is in Canada. It's a social program started by liberals of course. It is going to cost the taxpayers a hundred million or so dollars said the liberals. Over a billion dollars later it still is a mess.
>>>>Link -
>>>>"Oops, we have an intruder. Honey? Do you remember the gun safe combination? Where is the key to the trigger guard?" And if you get this far without facing the intruder, then you must load the weapon. Good luck defending your home.
>>>And how many times in your life has this been an issue? Have you had to defend your home often?
>>>I've been living in and around big cities my entire life, and never been in a situation where I could have used a gun to protect myself. Never had my home broken into , never been mugged. I have been the victim of a few crimes, but never ones where I was face-to-face with the doer.
>>Thank God. Crime is over.
>Bill - I'm not suggesting there's no crime. I'm suggesting that for the vast majority of people (certainly of the people here), the issue of "protecting one's home" is a red herring.
>Here, let's put the question out there to everyone. Who here has had their home broken into by armed criminals when they were home? Who hasn't?

If I expand your question to include property rather than my home specifically, then the answer then is yes.
If you include wild animals as well as armed criminals then the answer is multiple times a year.
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