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>>>>>>>>>>>>>There is a resort town close to here called Big Bear. It's up in the mountains, and I took my family up there Thursday through Sunday. They have a shooting range inclduing Trap, which I went to. I brought my own shotgun on Saturday and shot with my 15 year old daughter. On Sunday, there were more people there, and the range owner let me use his shotgun to shoot trap again.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>There were close to 20 shooters out there, of all ages from 9 years old and up. My 5 years old son sat with my wife and watched while I shot Trap.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>No one got shot. No one commited a crime. No one was unsafe. On either day. Statistics have proven over and over that the majority of legal gun owners don't commit crimes with guns.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Supreme Court was smart enough to realize that "Guns Don't Kill People - People Kill People".
>>>>>>>>>>>>True, true, true.
>>>>>>>>>>>On June 9th, some nutjob went on a knife rampage and killed 7 people. On March 22 some guy in Japan killed someone with a knife. On June 23rd, someone in Japan knifed 3 people.
>>>>>>>>>>>Maybe they'll outlaw knives now.
>>>>>>>>>>>I'm sick of the gun control lobby. It's typical fear-based control tactics. The problem with the gun control wackos is that they are trying to fix what ails people by taking away guns. When there are no guns, people use knives.
>>>>>>>>>>>Again, Guns Don't Kill People - People Kill People
>>>>>>>>>>I would not call gun control advocates wackos. Most of the ones I know are just fed up with the outrageous number of gun deaths in this country. As you know, gun fatalities in the U.S. are way to the right end of the tail compared to other developed nations. That's very difficult to accept, even if you accept that gun control probably won't keep guns out of the hands of those most likely to use them. (At least not without stronger laws against illegal gun possession). It's frustration that a country with such potential can't fix such a huge problem.
>>>>>>>>>I agree, but my point is that even if all guns suddenly dissappeared, the death toll would not go down. People would do what these nutjobs in Japan and China did - pick up knives.
>>>>>>>>More red herrings. Do you honestly believe that the number of deaths by gun would be replaced by an equal number of deaths by knife. If so, then I think you aren't really thinking this thing through.
>>>>>>>Probably not the accidental deaths by gun.
>>>>>>>Many intentional killings would simply change methods.
>>>>>>>Lots of wild animals would likely make comebacks - they could easily replace the accidental gun deaths.
>>>>>>>Criminals would be happier at least.
>>>>>>Ok, let me rephrase. Do you believe the number of murders by gun would be replaced by an equal number of murders by knife? How on earth (or anywhere else) would you manage a Columbine with a knife?
>>>>>The guy in japan did it. Killed 7 people randomly with one knife.
>>>>And that is comparable to Columbine? 12 killed, 23 wounded. Try that with a knife. Unlikely, and even if somebody managed it, I doubt that type of attack would be nearly as prevalent as it is when people use guns.
>>>There were 3 random knife attacks againsst groups of people in Japan this year alone, and 1 in china where people died. How many people have to die to make the it gun's fault?
>>Wow!! 3 whole attacks in Japan and one in China? Whew. And I thought guns were a problem . Shows how much I know.
>>Look, seriously, if getting rid of guns meant trading thousands of killings with guns for a couple dozen with knives per year, I'd be more than satisfied.
>How about starting off by getting rid of people who use guns, knives, big sticks, power tools, motor vehicles, poison, etc to commit crimes??
>After that, if the guns, knives, big sticks, power tools, motor vehicles, poison, etc are still committing crimes, let's get rid of them too?
>I realize fighting crime is against hardline democrat ideals, but it would be a very effective way to fight crime.

You know me better than that. When it comes to wanting to put away the criminals, I'm there (barring the death sentence, of course). But we are always going to have criminals. Making their work more difficult by trying to remove their most easily used tool is a start. And no, I don't believe for a minute that this is an easy thing to do.