03/07/2008 10:45:15
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I know his technical posts are missed in the dotnet section...

>Oh, sorry, I missed that. Michel's reply gives me hope that in this case the ban will be rescinded. We'll see.
>I wonder what made me think of Kevin on July 3 <g>.
>>The question whether to reinstate banned members or not was part of the general UT survey that was just held within the last month or so...
>>>>>I am somewhat handicapped in asking this because I don't know what Kevin was banned for. And I am not asking you to say why it was. You have already made it clear that you do not do that as a matter of policy when anyone is banned. What I am asking is that if it wasn't too horrible, he be allowed to return. He has been banished for several months now. Only you know whether that is an appropriate sentence for what he did. I know I am not the only one who has missed his contributions.
>>>>I didn't have the chance to analyze entirely the survey result yet. But, I believe, from the last time I checked that specific question that most were in favor of reinstatement of the banned members. So, this is in the task list. I just do not know at this point the specific details on everything in regards to that.
>>>I remember a survey about John Peterson but not one about Kevin Goff. AFAIK Kevin was far more popular here than John and not nearly as much of a lightning rod.
>>>Glad to hear it is in the task list.

"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser." - Socrates
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"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away." -- author unknown
"De omnibus dubitandum"