07/07/2008 02:17:56
Walter Meester
06/07/2008 23:58:19
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>>>Keep talking, Perry. You're a poster child as to why no one with concerns for their country and it's future should ever vote leftist.
>>Can someone please explain why all other western countries are far more leftish than even your own left wing and currently are doing far better than the US on about every front?? The US economy is bogged down under the ongoing war on terror .... (uh um), a tremendous dept to the asian express, the financial crisis on the house market, continueing outsourcing and devaluation of the dollar. The past 8 years has lost a lot of credibility on adhering human rights (ignoring the geneva convention), the lies arround starting the iraqi war. Further the milestone of having 1 percent of your citizens imprisoned and crime rates that makes some 3rd world countries jealous, the skyhigh gasprices, the 2 party political system (tight into the corporate world, rather than being independed), the media that are hardly independed (most of them are bound to a certain political party) and the overall willingness (or unability) to do anything progressive
>Exactly how are other Western countries doing far better than the US? In what area? Taxes? Name me a lower taxed EU country. Gas prices? Name me an EU country with lower gas prices. What area, Walter? Enlighten me.

This is exactly the error you make, the Tax myth. Yes, we pay a lot of taxes *if* we earn a lot. Gas prices are much higher than in the US, but if you look at the percentage it rose last year (15%), it is not as high as in the US. Also, most people drive much shorter distances in smaler cars anyways. OTOH, everyone up here has medical insurance. Everyone has somewhere to live. You can always rent a house. Have you been in europe lately (last 5-10 years or so). Take a look arround. Poor people arround here are doing much and much better than poor people in the US.

So many countries are doing better on area like:
- Economy
- Murder/Crime rates
- Healthcare
- Poverty
- Politically
- Environment (energy conservative)
- Infrastructure

>I'm not going to argue "Iraq lie" or human rights since that's subjective evaluation. Crime rates and imprisonment are a complex issue - a lot of that stemming from our more libertine gun owenership laws and our more conservative crime laws.

>We're just not as a progressive country in deed as Europe. We come from a different mindset and heritage. Europe evolved into the current progressive, "enlightened" mindset it now smugly exudes because the freedom to do so came from spent American lives when you folks suddenly decided to become fascists and imperialists. We, the American people, the country, infected you with the disease of democracy and tolerance and now you think you've discovered it all your own. The chutzpah amazes me.

>>It really got me stumped as of why, after 8 year of Bush devistation anyone would not see that the current right-wing approach is on a road to nowhere.

>Because there is no unilateral rightwing approach. I guess you weren't so cool on the European devastation of the 1940's either.

>..oh, but wait, there was something called the Marshall Plan. Good thing you had powerful buddies to rebuild you, huh? Those same buddies you now disparage now that you have the means to give thanks to those same know, the ones you never bothered to pay back?

>>From our pov, a left wing does not even exist in the US. There is right and even more right (There are some interesting papers to find on the internet describing this: eg.
>>It really amazes me that you are battling between the democrats and republicans while they both are not addressing important issues at all (see the list above). you're stuck with two of the same kind and are nitpicking about the little differences that might be relevant to the individual but hardly do have any relevance in the bigger scheme. I guess it is the fault of your two party system where both have to do (promise) everything to even the smaller groups to help them to power:
>>The US is really an amazing country...
>Yeah, amazing. Amazing that someone from a country who's very existence as a free country is due to the USA can dump on it. But I guess that's free and protected speech....something else we exported to you.

I've written a full reply rebulking all of these points as I have done in the past, but I thought that would lead to nowhere. Instead I wan't to ask you the question: What if my answer was written by a Canadian or fellow American???