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>>>>>I was hoping that stuff like this would be going away with the end of the Bush era. Are these bozo's just planning on tossing the Fourth Amendment in the trash or what? geeeze!
>>>>Bush being out of office isn't the point. His judicial appointees will be on the bench for a LONG time.
>>>It didn't take long to blame this on Bush.
>>> the U.S. Department of Justice "asserted that officers could lawfully seize and search an arrestee's laptop computer as a warrantless search incident to arrest." The Obama Justice Department, in a series of prosecutions including one in Nebraska involving a crack cocaine dealer, has taken the same position about warrantless searches of cell phones
>>>Can you point me to the justice(s) appointed by Bush in the Obama Justice Department responsible for that? If Bush is responsible, please provide the evidence and I recommend writing the author (Declan McCullagh) of that article so he can print a retraction/correction.
>>I was making a general point, Tracy. If you think the Bush appointees, especially the Roberts Court, have not had a huge role in undercutting individual rights, you have not been paying attention.
>And I'm lovin it! Cocaine dealers of the world NEED to have warrantless searches conducted!

You mean suspected coke dealers, or coke dealers? I kind of thought that "innocent until proven guilty" was important.
It's a rather slippery slope that can get way out of control quickly. I recall a few years ago when I was living in FL I was woke up at 4:30am with a bunch of cops breaking down my door screaming "what are you growing in here?"....which I said "uhhh..file-servers?". As it turned out I had 15 or so computers running 24/7 and it was taking a lot of electricity and made the house warmer. Supposedly they had "searched" my house from a helicopter with infrared and decided I was a pot grower because of the extra heat. No warrant, probably cause...NOTHING. In the meantime it freaked out my neighbors and made me 1/2 a day late for work and they ruined my front door and frame beyond repair. And oh yeah one of the cops ran over my neighbors cat too.
ICQ 10556 (ya), 254117