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>>God I love Ski Cross. Could be made even cooler with a biathalon kind of version where skiiers were issued handguns.
>>2 man boblsled blows my mind. 100ths of a second determine winners. Brakeman is blind for the whole run.
>>Slalom, downhill and superG fun because you can imagine doing that ( just a lot slower and more carefully)
>>Snowboarding still implies a pact with the devil. (and really carves up a hill in ugly ways ... sorry, in my skiing heyday I had a bumper sticker that said "Long skis truck - short skis suck" )
>>Did I miss the mogul skiing or is that still to come?
>I watched a lot of the two man bobsled on Friday night. Was a little white knuckled the whole time after what had happened to the luger a week before on the same course. They looked like they were on the edge of wiping out half a dozen times a run. Separated by 100ths of a second, though, nobody was going to ease up.
>There was one moment of humor, at least for me. One of the German teams came running out of the start hollering like banshees, all the way onto the sled. I immediately dubbed them Hans and Franz.
>The snowboarding events sounded like a gimmick when they were first announced (before the Turin games?). But they are wildly entertaining to watch.
>I will not mention hockey out of respect for the members from our host nation ;-) (Actually Canada could still win gold; they just have to win one extra game now).

I'll mention hockey as a moment of "ha-ha" to the host country. ;) Besides we may not get another chance in the medal round. Our team has played above and beyond and it's difficult to maintain that high level, especially in the medal rounds.
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