25/02/2010 08:28:53
25/02/2010 08:23:42
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Tamar --

My tinkering has led me to believe that, even though the width has been set internally by doing the AutoSize, it doesn't 'stick'.

In my test case, Width had a default value ... I could make it stick by setting it directly,as indicated.

>>You are setting Left, but Width doesn't get handled correctly unless you make it non-default
.Width = .Width
>But Left has the correct value, so apparently Width is getting set properly just by setting Caption (since AutoSize is .T.).
>But I'll try it.
>>>I have a form where I'm "drawing" things on the fly. Mostly, it all works really well. But I have one case that's baffling me.
>>>In this situation, based on a user request, I create a container (everything here is at least two subclasses below VFP base classes) and then add bunch of other containers to it, based on some data. The containers that I'm adding contain, among other things, a label. The container has a property (nDisplayPort) with an assign method. The assign method converts the value of that property to character and assigns it to the label's Caption:
>>>*To do: Modify this routine for the Assign method
>>>THIS.nDisplayPort = m.vNewVal
>>>* Propogate to label
>>>This.lblPortNum.Caption = TRANSFORM(This.nDisplayPort)
>>> The Caption also has an assign method, which among other things, repositions the label within the container based on the length of the caption:
>>>* Modified 15-February-2010 by TEG
>>>* Move left, if necessary
>>>LOCAL nWidth, cFontStyle
>>>IF LEN(This.Caption) > 1
>>>	cFontStyle = IIF(This.FontBold, "B", "") + IIF(This.FontItalic, "I", "")
>>>	nWidth = LEN(This.Caption) * FONTMETRIC(6, This.FontName, This.FontSize, m.cFontStyle)
>>>	* Figure out where to put it
>>>	This.Left = (This.Parent.Width - m.nWidth)/2
>>>The label's AutoSize property is true, so that should be all I need to do to center the label within the container.
>>>It works, sort of. Most of the time, when I test, any two-digit labels (there's nothing more than 2 digits) start out to the left of where they should be and when the form repaints (which happens based on other things going on in the app), shift to the right into the right position.
>>>What makes it weird is that when I take a look with the Debugger, the label's Left is exactly what it should be and, in fact, if I change the value to the same thing in the Debugger, the label shifts to the right position. I've tried adding code to "kick" it into place by resetting .Left to itself, but it doesn't work. (I've tried a series of points in the code, longer and longer after where I originally set it.)
>>>Anybody have any suggestions?
Jim Nelson
Newbury Park, CA