26/02/2010 12:38:15
26/02/2010 08:34:18
Timothy Bryan
Sharpline Consultants
Conroe, Texas, United States
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>>>>>>>>{Updated} - Solved it
>>>>>>>Do you really need to be adding these things at runtime?
>>>>>>>I find it *MUCH* easier (as someone else suggested) to add as much as possible at design time and then just control visibility or change attributes at runtime.
>>>>>>>This was cake in VFP. ASP.NET is a giant leap backward from VFP.
>>>>>>IIRC the Visible property in ASP.NET doesn't really have anything in common with same VFP property. In ASP.NET with Visible=false the object in question simply won't exist.....
>>>>>Correct. If I want something to not show on an page I set visible to false and it does not render at all.
>>>>So why make a comparison between VFP and ASP.NET in this instance?
>>>Because in VFP you can do NewObject/RemoveObject and it's much harder in ASP.NET.
>>RemoveObject wouldn't make much sense in a browser application ?
>>And what's hard about
>Hi Viv,
>Depending on how you add the controls to start with you do have to sort of remove them on postback if you are not going to use it again. I do something like this:
>        /// <summary>
>        /// Display the Content Control
>        /// </summary>
>        /// <param name="display">AboutDisplayType</param>
>        private void DisplayContent(AboutDisplayType display)
>        {
>            // Create a reference to each control
>            ucAboutHistory historyControl = null;
>            ucAboutChairmansCorner chairControl = null;
>            ucAboutOrgChart chartControl = null;
>            ucAboutBiography bioControl = null;
>            ucAboutChapters chapterControl = null;
>            // Check what controls are in the placeholder
>            foreach (var control in this.holdAboutContent.Controls)
>            {
>                if (control is ucAboutHistory)
>                    historyControl = (ucAboutHistory)control;
>                if (control is ucAboutChairmansCorner)
>                    chairControl = (ucAboutChairmansCorner)control;
>                 if (control is ucAboutOrgChart)
>                    chartControl = (ucAboutOrgChart)control;    
>                if (control is ucAboutBiography)
>                    bioControl = (ucAboutBiography)control;
>                if (control is ucAboutChapters)
>                    chapterControl = (ucAboutChapters)control;
>            }
>            // Check if the controls should be displayed or not, otherwise remove them
>            // History Control
>            if (display == AboutDisplayType.History)
>            {
>                if (historyControl == null)
>                {
>                    // Create the Control
>                    historyControl = (ucAboutHistory)this.CreateContentControl(display);
>                    historyControl.ID = "ucHistory";
>                }
>                this.holdAboutContent.Controls.Add(historyControl);
>            }
>            else
>            {
>                if (historyControl != null)
>                    // Shouldn't the control to be removed be "ucHistory"?
>                    this.holdAboutContent.Controls.Remove(historyControl);
>            }
>... More
>I am sure there is a more generic way to do this but I don't have 50 different possible controls. What is nice about this approach with user controls is I can change the entire content area without navigating to a different page altogether. When you use Ajax it makes for a nicer user experience and I don't have tons of code doing visible true or false on everything. I also have seperate ascx pages that have only what is part of a single control. I like the approach quite well and use this in several sites now. If I change from About page to Resources page for instance then I change pages. I don't try to do 50 different controls on a page. Also in this case I only have one control on the page at a time, but that doesn't have to be; several could be added to the placeholder at a time easy enough as well as literal stuff.

Hi Tim,
Where is this code called from and what is 'holdAboutContent' ?