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>>>>I just did a basic installation of TFS2010 RC to get an idea of what it is and to (hopefully) replace my VSS2005.
>>>>Installation was fairly easy. Figuring out what to do after install wasn't, but I have created a collection and a project in the collection.
>>>>I saw numerous mentions online of a VSS->TFS converter for 2010, which best I can tell doesn't exist in 2010. Anyone know if there really is such a thing and if so, where do I get it?
>>>>How do I connect my VS2008 to TFS2010? Differing suggestions online say I need to install TFS2008 Server Explorer (which I do not see in MSDN premium) and then apply service packs in a particular order to get 'limited' functionality with 2010.
>>>>Anyone know how this actually is done? I'm not upgrading from TFS2008 - This is a new install.
>>>>I have several major projects in VS2008 which I do not want to chance screwing up by switching to VS2010.
>>>>Which brings up another question - can I work on a vs2008 project in VS2010 w/o converting to a format that VS2008 users can still work with (ie leave it as a 2008 project)?
>>>>Final questions..
>>>>One of the major problems I have with VSS2005 is the miserable performance over a VPN and the badly/incorrectly documented web interface setup which I've never managed to get working. People trying to work on projects remotely have a miserable time dealing with the speed at best, and have corrupted the VSS database at worst.
>>>>Is TFS better for working remotely? The web interface in tfs2010 seems to work, but it only allows you to compare 1 file at a time which is really worthless in amulti-developer environment IMHO. No checkin or out capability at all from what I see..? Am I missing something on that?
>>>>Is the Team Explorer in 2010 reasonably quick over a VPN or internet connection?
>>>>Any thoughts appreciated..
>>>You may be doing all .NET now, I'm not sure. If you are doing some VFP as well you may want to consider sticking with VSS, or at least keeping it around for VFP. TFS does not work that well with VFP without a lot of work.
>>I never used VFP VSS integration on any of my VFP stuff (never trusted it). I always used the VSS client to check-in/out and compare, and have been very comfortable with that. If I decide I like TFS I'll probably use the TFS Explorer to do the same thing with VFP projects, although keeping VSS is an option. All of my VFP work is done locally, so I don't have to worry about remote connectivity.
>>When yu say it doesn't work without a lot of so?
>I was not able to generate SCA and VCA files for comparison of screen and class versions. Others here said they were able to get it to work, so I know it's possible. I didn't put a huge amount of time into it because I seem to have constant deadlines (agile methodology).

In the VSS client, you simply get a 'binary file differs' message for screens abd classes which is OK with me - at least I know there is something different. Do you get something like that with TFS?

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