02/03/2010 11:26:13
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>>>>>>>>>>>They aren't technically INS agents, but the law instructs them to arrest illegal aliens simply for being illegal aliens.
>>>>>>>>>>You mean like they do in other countries, except where they will kill you on the spot?
>>>>>>>>>That 'illegal' part seems to be a real kicker. Some folks seem to think illegal means bad or wrong or not allowed or something.
>>>>>>>>Well - if they're in the country illegally then technically aren't they doing something illegal just by being here?
>>>>>>>Exactly. Didn't you call the sheriff in Arizona racist for going after illegals in a previous msg?
>>>>>>Yes I did. You have to consider how he's handling it though. He will pick a Hispanic neighborhood then on one day he will send 100's of cops there to harass all the residents...also known as "racial profiling". I remember reading about the wedding he ruined by doing something like this. Anyway I suppose he probably means well on this subject - but he really abuses his office a lot of other ways which is why he's under a federal investigation.
>>>>>He goes where the criminals are and acts.
>>>>I'm afraid our hippie friend just doesn't get it. He is probably not in favor of questioning muslims who ride airplanes either. Sheriff Arpaio raids hispanic neighborhoods because that's where the illegals live. I don't understand the resistence to protecting our borders. The left wants to open our borders to everyone, while most other countries will shoot you down like a dog for crossing their borders....
>>>How much have you read about Joe Arpaio? The guy is a publicity hound and a thug. He uses the Constitution for toilet paper. This has nothing to do with his political positions, he's just bad news.
>>To a liberal, he is. He gets re-elected by a landslide every time. He actually gets it. Do a little research on how he took over the animal control service in Phoenix and saved the taxpayers millions. He also cut the cost of housing inmates by millions. He "gets it".
>I know one of the ways he cut the cost of housing inmates was by "housing" them in outdoor tents in 100+ degree heat. You probably think that's fine. I don't.
>BTW, I may be liberal but that doesn't mean I think prisoners should be coddled. Just that they shouldn't be abused.

Sleeping in a tent in 100+ heat is abusive? What did you do in the summer before air conditioning was affordable? I spent quite a bit of time in extreme temps sleeping in tents, in the open on the ground, in hammocks, etc. I wouldn't call that abusive. There are many schools that do not have air conditioning today around this country. I guess it is ok for them to be abused (as you call it) but not those who break the law? Sheesh. I call that "coddling" and think Angola is fine for those found guilty by a court of law. For illegal immigrants - tents and heaters for the cold are fine. When every citizen has air conditioning then I will consider it possibly less than we should do but still not abusive to not provide air conditioning. I think you are missing a realistic view of the conditions many legal citizens are living under here in the states.

"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser." - Socrates
Vita contingit, Vive cum eo. (Life Happens, Live With it.)
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away." -- author unknown
"De omnibus dubitandum"