05/03/2010 15:21:23
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>>>Jake Delhomme is the one QB who can make Rex Grossman look good.
>>>So what are the talking heads down in Carolina saying about this? I'm sure most are ecstatic.
>>I see Doc had a nice little two inning debut with your Phils.
>My condolences for your loss. Sincerely. It has been my feeling for a long time that the dominance of big money teams has perverted baseball. (Even more than steroids in an outcome sense).

The one nice thing about this though, is that Doc did not move for money. Still one of the classiest guys in baseball.

>From what reading I have done of the sports news I thought the only pitcher in baseball is Stephen Strasbourg ;-) I'm sure he is good. The pre-anointment makes me nervous, though. Specifically, the constant references to Mark Prior. I was here for the duration of the real Mark Prior's career. The college resume, the draft drama, the hoopla. He had it all, they said -- fastball in the high 90s, command of all his pitches, poise beyond his years. The Cubs got him and brought him up after the proverbial cup of coffee in the minors. And for a season and a half he was all that and more. He was an electrifying presence on the mound in his calm and collected way. One of the most enjoyable games I have ever attended was an early August game at Wrigley against the Dodgers, a company picnic. He pitched a complete game as the Cubs won 2-1 to move into first place. That was the year they were on the verge of going to the world series until Mr. Bartman and Mr. Alou met so unfortunately.
>Then a strange thing happened. All those high pitch counts Dusty Baker left him out there for caught up with him. (He destroyed Kerry Wood in the same way -- thanks, Dusty). From then on he was not Mr. Cy Young but Mr. Injured. Every year a variation on the same theme. I wish I had a nickel for every news story about Mark Prior throwing 50 pitches in a simulated game and looking good according to Cubs officials. He is still in his 20s and out of baseball. Don't cry for me, Argentina, because he made a boatload of money and is set for life in that department. But the eerie command that caused more than a few of us to liken him to Tom Seaver is a receding memory.

Well at least the Phils don't need to worry about Doc. He's been around long enough now that he knows how his arm is and how it will react. And he's still hittting the corners with every sort of pitch. Best command in baseball (imho, of course). It's going to feel strange rooting for an NL team this year. I'm still a Blue Jayer, but I've never really cared much before about any of the NL teams.