07/03/2010 09:40:31
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Cool. Thanks for the info.

>You're in luck. Strataframe has wrapped the Infragistics stuff (there is a whole project in the source code ) so you only need to drop on the subclasses and they are bound. Quit a number of SF people - including the Microfour folks - use Infragistics so there is a lot of support in the framework. Drop in the on the forum (still haven't seen you there) and ask whatever questions you need to.
>Take a look in the source :
>C:\Program Files\MicroFour\StrataFrame Source Code\MicroFour StrataFrame Infragistics Wrapper
>(and remember to be able to step into the source code from your own app you first want to build the source in debug mode)
>>>>Bonnie, don't read Magic Mountain by Thomas Mann. Just a heads up. ;)
>>>That bad, huh? OK, I won't touch it! Never heard of Thomas Mann anyway.
>>You must not pay much attention to European authors, then ;-) That book is considered a classic of world literature. I have not read it, which apparently Alan has, but it's not some unknown book.
>>Total change of subject: I bought NetAdvantage from Infragistics, which is the combo edition containing all their WinForms, WPF, ASP.NET, and Silverlight controls. I have invested a significant amount of time already learning .NET and still have not made a nickel on it. Time to push my knowledge to the next level. One of the appeals of this package is you get C# source code for all the controls. You can bet I will be up to my elbows in that. My goal is to write a non-trivial .NET app by the end of the year which I can show people. My lack of job experience is definitely a minus but I think I can offset it with a good demo app -- "Hey, I know how to do this stuff."
>>Do you have any experience with Infragistics? (You or any of our other .NET folks). Any tips?