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>>>>As for the Iranian civilian airline, that was obviously a terrible and costly mistake for the lives of innocent people. I won't attempt to downplay it, nor should anyone downplay events like Lockerbie, which was NOT an accident and "may" have had Iranian involvement.
>>>>But horrible mistakes, however tragic, don't necessarily lead countries to war. If that were true, we would have bombed Israel after the U.S.S. LIberty incident in 1967.
>>>>But regardless, the Iranian civilian airline incident does not pre-date critical incidents of open Iranian aggression against the United States, such as the U.S. Hostage situation or the suicide bombings that killed over 240 American Marines.
>>>>As for your last line, that so-called "conclusion" about the roots of Iranian hostility towards the U.S. has been proven countless times to be historically absurd. Even governments in Europe find this particular "blame America first" theory to be false.
>>>I'm not saying "Blame America " Kevin I am saying that foreign policy has its results. If (as you would like) the US attacked Iran where do you think that would end up in 10 years time. A peaceful middle east ?
>>If we hit them hard enough, yes. Or at least a very warm, quiet middle east.
>>Are things improving w/o the US or Israel stopping Iran?
>>Please - your foreign policy expertise regarding a solution is requested.
>How about stopping Israel building settlements in the west bank and pulling troops out of Afghanistan for starters. Reducing military spending and concentrating armed forces on protecting homeland rather than spurious overseas interests. BTW I include the UK in this I'm not just saying its a US problem.

Israel should play nice with Islam. They'll all get along.

Afghanistan was a nice peaceful little country before we went in.

Reduce military spending - maybe we can buy weapons from North Korea or Iran or China or Russia since they are the dealers in conventional and WMD for the third world. Osama.. er Obama has really cleaned that situation up.

Maybe the UN can protect us.

We'll wait until Islam nukes Denver - maybe we should do something then and people can blame the gub'mint for not preventing it.

I see. Brilliant.

Don't Tread on Me

Overthrow the federal government NOW!