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>>>>>Nobel Prize Committee with an accolade previously awarded to doves like Yassar Arafat, Kissinger and Begin?
>>>>>You're right. Maybe it was a typo and they meant Obama to present the Nobel peace prize not get the prize !. I think it was meant to go to Donald Rumsfeld who contributed to world peace by not sending enough soldiers and not having a clue what to do with them once they got there and had won.
>>>>Rumsfeld is truly a classic example of hubris, pig-headedness and blatant disregard of the facts. Snatched disaster from the jaws of victory.
>>>>Wonder who gives a prize for that?
>>>>Obama is good at winning popularity contests. But I don't think he carries any real weight with Putin, the Chinese, the Iranians, the Israelis, or the Saudis, who live in a less popularity poll driven universe.
>>>>That said, Hillary is probably a big asset, in that I don't thing any of them question her toughness.
>>>Only her memory. Where were those snipers anyway? :o)
>>Hey, even a paranoid has real enemies <s> And the idea that somebody is always ready to shoot at you from concealment may be an asset in S of S. (maybe she was thinking of the media corps of true believers that went after her in the primaries )
>>Seriously though, if you look at Albright, Rice, Clinton - there maybe something to be said for a tough woman as S of S. ( I'm gaining a new appreciation of Albright as I read Clinton's Secret Wars. Previously the best I could say was "Well, at least she's not Warren Christopher." <g> )
>Right now she is the only one wearing any pants in the white house family :o)

You know that's right.

While I really dislike her (not just for her scumbag husband), she sits far above the rest of the white house gang as far as being gutsy or realistic. Relatively, I don't think she is nearly as big a liar or con-artist as the rest of them.

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