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This message has been marked as the solution to the initial question of the thread.
Here is what I just tried.

1. In the SSMS in the Query menu I selected 'Results to' (to text).

2. Selected the result (with the Number of Records affected)

3. Copied to word

4. Selected only the query, deleted the --- separating headers from result

5. In Word 2007 went to Insert menu, selected table

6. On the Table menu chose Convert text to table

7. Selected Tabs on the separators dialog

8. Got my table and now can apply some formatting...

>I did try the Save Results as... and wonder how I will do the rest of the instructions, as written below.
>Here is specifically what she says in her instruction:
>Run the query in Management Studio and copy the query result (with the # of rows affected) and paste it below the query in the Word document.
>In Word, convert the copied text (query result) to a table by selecting only the query result rows (do not include the blank line and # of rows affected). Then click the Insert Table button from the standard toolbar in Office 2003, or click the Table from the Insert tabl in Office 2007 - Convert Text to Table.
>Format the table by adjusting the column width (one line per row, best fit width), and right align only the numeric columns.
>>Did you try 'Save Result As' from the File menu?
>>>Our teacher for our SQL Server 2008 T-SQL class wants us to copy the Query results into a WORD DOC and then somehow convert it to a WORD table.
>>>First of all, I cannot seem to copy the Query results entirely, except with SnagIt and then save it as an image. So, how do I save the text, the record numbers and the Column Names, and then paste it into a WORD DOC and then convert it to a WORD Table? Believe me, I am trying to do this, but the typical, highlight and Copy isn't working.
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