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>>>>>>>>>...going to happen sooner or later. Funny thing the only ones named in the article that want to keep it illegal is the "International Association of Chiefs of Police"...hahahaha.
>>>>>>>>That's because they see the effect of substance abuse and crime associated with drugs on a daily basis. Now, IMHO, most of the crime is due to the illegality of it, but that's another discussion (one which we've already had ad naseum here) :o)
>>>>>>>Are there really a lot of pot smokers going on crime sprees?
>>>>>>I was referring to drugs in general, not specifically marijuana in that statement. AFAIK, It's more an issue of the old studies that suggested that using it led to using other drugs in the future where the crime is much more prolific. I don't know if that is still the case or not or if other studies have proven that as false or if there is a lot of crime associated with it specifically without current research (which I cannot do right now)
>>>>>ahh the infamous "gateway drug" theory - that has been proven untrue in more recent studies.
>>>>I think you're confusing "disproof" with "unproven". There is conflicting research on the subject and continuing studies may shed new light, but nothing as yet has scientifically proven nor disproven the theory. Thus it remains "theory".
>>>Ok - most experts now agree that there's no such thing as a 'Gateway Drug' - although I suppose that could change with future studies.
>>I've read articles citing studies that support the 'Gateway Drug' and others that provide support denouncing it. Regardless, this article is interesting:
>I think it's one of those things that it all depends on who gathered the data.

Who, how, what they gathered. It's a fundamental problem with studies. They are conducted by humans and subject to our nature. ;)
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