12/03/2010 09:38:02
12/03/2010 08:15:03
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>>>>>Well this is fundamental problem of yours and those who think like you. Killing people is NOT ok in any way, shape or form.
>>>>While I agree with you, it is hard to not imagine what had been different if:
>>>>Hitler 1 death versus 6-9 (42 million if you count all from the war) dead
>>>>Stalin 1 death versus 61 million dead
>>>>Moa Tse Tung 1 death versus 70 million dead
>>>>Pol Pot 1 death versus 2 million dead
>>>>I'll the rest of the list alone - I think those are enough to show that while morally unjust, it is understandable to consider it.
>>>Imagine if Saddam was assasinated before he attacked Iran. That would also save countless lives.
>>>there would be no Iraq war today and so for.
>>Remember when I was advocating just that instead of an Iraq war and you were denouncing me as a murderous CIA apologist ? <s>
>I was joking,
>BTW, did you advocate such thing before IRAQ/IRAN war back then ?
>Ok I know, it was to hard to predict what future will bring.

I don't recall ever being a fan of Saddam. The Iran/Iraq war was an incredible tragedy - senseless and the people it killed were - again - all the wrong ones. That is the problem with war vs targeted "regime change" . If the war had killed just the top of the Baath Party in Iraq and the mullahs in Iran's theocracy and their henchmen and spared the civilians and conscripts it might have served some purpose.

Charles Hankey

Though a good deal is too strange to be believed, nothing is too strange to have happened.
- Thomas Hardy

Half the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important. They don't mean to do harm-- but the harm does not interest them. Or they do not see it, or they justify it because they are absorbed in the endless struggle to think well of themselves.

-- T. S. Eliot
Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote.
- Ben Franklin

Pardon him, Theodotus. He is a barbarian, and thinks that the customs of his tribe and island are the laws of nature.