15/03/2010 14:43:56
14/03/2010 22:36:03
Walter Meester
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>Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose. If you truly want freedom, go live on your own in the inlands of australia. But then don't complain or blame the government when: you've got no food, are ill, feel lonely, you're robbed, your house is on fire, etc.

Interesting comment. Hmmm. I thought this country was founded on the principles of individual freedom. There are actually those who prefer true freedom and there are those who are more balanced in their views. Identifying those who feel differently than you do those with names and labels is idiotic.

What I don't understand is why over the years you consistently insist that this country needs to change to be more like other countries in order to be considered "progressive." You may see a few folks apply labels to some policies like 'socialist' but that doesn't represent the entire country or even the majority. Sometimes things are just preferred to be different and labeling it as backwards or progressive doesn't really fit. I live here and have my entire life (other than a few years in other countries) and I don't know how every single or the majority of Americans feel about every issue (too many of those I know feel differently than each other) so I find it absolutely amazing that you do and you think you know what's best for everyone. Some folks truly believe in different ways of life and less government and that doesn't make them blind sheep. Just because they see things differently doesn't make them voting cattle. Now there are probably a percentage of folks out there who always vote the party line regardless, but in my experience, those are few and far between. Your comments make it counter-productive to any type of discussion. It's that arrogance that shuts down people and stops any discussion.

"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser." - Socrates
Vita contingit, Vive cum eo. (Life Happens, Live With it.)
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away." -- author unknown
"De omnibus dubitandum"