16/03/2010 12:49:47
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>>I'd like to see more thought put into how the user will use different forms. One thing that comes to mind is setting focus to the proper field when doing things on the UT. For example, if I click the Email link on a message, focus should be set to the first field of the new form. In this case, the email address. Currently, I have to click into the field.
>I will have this one adjusted by the end of the day. If you spot more locations like this, you may let me know.
>>Another place is when doing a member search. It isn't intuitive that I have to click into each of the search fields and that pressing Enter will start the search. A "Search" button on the form would make more sense.
>All the lists support only one field for the search at a time. Because, lists have multiple columns, we do not include a search icon on every column. Otherwise, this would enlarge the list and columns and would create empty areas. Also, as lists are pretty much everywhere, this has become a standard.
>I still have a note on that one however. It is possible that it will be adjusted to be a one search option on top of it, acting as a general search. We would still have to support two modes on that one however as many want to search by columns on the members area. But, the universal search is quite nice. We see that one wherever there is the ShowHeader class, which is the class used to drive all those lists from the main page, such as Class & method, News, Links, etc.


In my opinion Member search should be a more comprehensive search. Often searching by only one field is not enough - we need more fields to narrow the search.
If it's not broken, fix it until it is.

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