16/03/2010 13:53:01
15/03/2010 15:16:15
Walter Meester
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>- Don't tell me you need a gun "because it makes society safer", but rather "It makes me feel more safe"

I need a gun because living in the country requires killing of various predators from time to time. I want a gun because I enjoy shooting. I'm Constitutionally entitled to own a gun therefore my reasons do not matter.

>- Don't tell me that "socialised healthcare does not work", but rather "I don't want to pay for the other one, and will take my chances of not getting ill'

Socialized health care in America (employer-based,Medicare/Medicaid/schip/MassHealth/etc) does not work long term. The programs are broke and getting worse. They are directly contributing to rising costs and they are driving qualified individuals to limited private practice, specialization or out of the industry all together. These types of programs can only work for as long as there's new money contributed to the Ponzi scheme. Once new contributions run out they will spiral out of control. America is at the beginning of this process (see Baby Boomers).

>- Don't tell me that "obama is a bad president", but rather "He is not of my (political) color and therefore will critisize anything even though I don't have a clue what its about"

Obama is an awful president by all measurable standards. He has yet to press forward any single piece of significant legislation which will improve the lives of the American citizenry. His signature policy, health care reform, is lingering between the houses and looks to be headed for a non-vote passage. Fitting that his majesty's biggest policy initiative will be "deemed". His EPA has declared CO2 a pollutant despite it being an absolutely necessary compound for life to exist on this planet. He is promoting regulation via czars rather than the Constitutionally elected members of the legislative branch. His foreign policy "reset" is being reset due to a collective shrug from the world. Iraq is proceeding along a path set forth by the previous administration which Obama and Biden are now painfully trying to take credit for. He has continued the widely criticized intelligence practices of the previous administration, thus legitimizing them. The too-big-to-fail financial institutions which led the economy off a cliff are now bigger and fresh from being reimbursed for their losses at 100 cents on the dollar are continuing the same pattern with the next wave of using the federrally provided 0% crap loans and patting themselves on the back with continued bonuses.

>So back on topic. cut the BS. If you want to make a statement, do it with valid arguments, not with slam dunk oneliners like in the letter of discussion.

No BS just facts. That you do not approve or that they do not agree with your thoughts do not change their nature.

>And yeah, making a generalisation, I think many (I do not say most) north american are not able to see through the BS, because of the huge political polarisation caused by the corporate world and political alligned media. The only thing we can do about that is learn people to think for themselves.
>BTW, the last paragraph also applies to the dutch voting cattle.

We agree, in general people are arrogant, ignorant and not motivated to learn "how to think". They are much more inclined to "learn" what to think.
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