18/03/2010 01:08:20
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As I mentioned in my previous message, I tested specifying default values for other tags in the XML file. And it seems like only "string" type tags work. When I specify in the "int" type tag default="0" and leave the tag empty, I get error.
If anybody has any suggestion to why the default for Int or Boolean do not work, please let me know.

>Possibly the problem is that the boolean element is not really empty, because it's still being specified, even when there's nothing in the element tag.
>IOW, you have in your XML an "empty" tag that looks like this:
>or maybe like this:
><req_entry />
>The point is that the XML shouldn't contain the tag at all. Since you have a schema defined, the DataSet should then put the default in for the missing tag. Where did your XML file come from?
>>I was wondering if anybody can suggest a way around this issue.
>>I created an XML and a schema file (.XSD). The XSD specifies types of all elements in the XML. One of the elements is boolean. The XSD also specifies the default value as following:
>><xsd:element name="req_entry" default="false" type="xsd:boolean"/>		
>>Everything works well.. unless the value in the element "req_entry" in the XML is empty. Then an exception is thrown saying that "The string '' is not a valid Boolean value". I thought that specifying the default value (false) in the schema file will set the value as false. But it does not. Here is the code of how I am loading the XML:
>>DataSet myDataSet = new DataSet();
>>I would appreciate any suggestions.
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