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Visual Studio
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C# 2.0
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>>>>>>>>I suppose that someone here has a beta version of VS 2010. Does VS 2010 include WinForms projects?
>>>>>>>>Also, if you install VS 2010 on the PC that has VS 2005 can you use either independently? That is, can you still maintain VS 2005 projects with VS 2005 after installing VS 2010?
>>>>>>>It does include WinForms projects.
>>>>>>You have VS 2010 beta?
>>>>>Yes, I do. I checked Windows Forms project yesterday trying to answer Michel's question.
>>>>Do you also have VS 2008 and/or VS 2005 installed on your PC?
>>>I have VS 2008 SP1. I don't have VS 2005 and don't need it.
>>Sorry for many questions but I know you like to answer <g>. Do you find the IDE much different between VS 2008 and VS2010 (in terms of look and feel and general features)?
>So far I found VS 2010 to be much slower than VS 2008. I haven't worked in them much recently.
>On the other hand, there are nice features in VS 2010 such as Team Foundation Server for version control.

Thank you, Naomi. I am not surprised that new MS version is much slower than the previous; this is their trade mark <g>. I wonder if I will be able (when I get VS 2010) to disable the version control and make things work faster.
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"My experience is that as soon as people are old enough to know better, they don't know anything at all." Oscar Wilde
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