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>>>>>>>>>>I want to disable user's ability to close a form via X in the upper right corner (while there are some pending changes) and then enable it after user Saves/Cancels the changes. I can't seem to find the way to do it. Is there a property of WinForm window to do so?
>>>>>>>>>Check this thread Re: Eliminating the X in the control box Thread #1440447 Message #1440499
>>>>>>>>Thank you. It looks like again one has to jump through all kind of hoops in .NET compared to where it was simple property in VFP.
>>>>>>>As U.I. form I think the idea of making the X box disappear and reappear leaves something to be desired in the first place.
>>>>>>I don't understand your point here.
>>>>>I consider it disconcerting to the user to monkey with fundamental Windows controls. We shouldn't be playing Three Card Monte with them.
>>>>I guess we totally disagree here.
>>>I'm with Mike on this one. Your form must have an existing way of being closed. Why not handle the OnFormClosing event in the same way? The args will tell you what triggered the closure and you can still cancel it if you want. IMO that's much more in keeping with the normal user experience.....
>>I like your input. You give practical suggestions rather just saying that "since it can't be done in .NET, it is no good" <g>.
>>So you are saying that when a user clicks on the X in the upper right corner, the OnFormClosing will fire? If so, hopefully there is a call to disallow closing the form. Thank you.
>Treat the 'X' in exactly the same way as you would if you had a specific 'Close' button. Setting the CancelEventArgs.Cancel property to false is all you need to do to ignore the request.....

Thank you. This should do the job.
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