19/03/2010 09:50:56
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My purpose is not to prove who is right or who is wrong. I was just trying find a way to quickly search through a dataset/datatable for a row in the datatable by a value in a column. And it looks like setting the field name to Sort property of DataView (which I didn't create so I guess it is there - in dataset - automatically) allow the searching. And my dataset didn't have to have a primary key. Unless I am missing something.

>>This is what I thought too (that Find will only work with PrimaryKey) but I created a sample test case without a PrimaryKey. Then I just defined which column is the Sort column and the Find works on this "Sort" column. I will have to recheck to be sure I am not missing anything but last night I used it in my app (the Find without primary) and it worked.
>Ah ... well, Sort is a property of a DataView, not a DataTable.
>>>The Find() method only works if you've got a PrimaryKey defined for your DataTable (and it only searches the PrimaryKey column). So, Naomi's post is correct that you should use the .Select() method, since that can utilize any columns. You could also try messing around with LINQ, but I can't give you any examples off the top of my head (I don't use it enough).
>>>>The following code will find the Data Row that has a particular text
>>>>drFound = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Find(txtFindArg.Text);
>>>>How do you modify this code to make Find search in a particular column (by column name or column number)?
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