22/03/2010 06:28:58
Metin Emre
Ozcom Bilgisayar Ltd.
Istanbul, Turkey
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>I read Obama's health care reform.
>If you think about it's a socialist system, I have to say you don't know anything about socialism. Everyone is in health care system and noone pay one cent for it. That's the socialism. My country is a poor country. However my country can afford free health care for poor people. Your's can do better. I can't understand why you such selfist like that... You are just talking about wallets and moneys...

Metin I wouldn't mind and actually would welcome a health care system that was entirely tax supported. No insurance companies. No government fraud. No government collusion with the insurance companies or the health care industry. Canada seems to be an example of most of this. I've always thought health care should be a right.

What the frauds in the White house have done is force all citizens to pay insurance companies. No limits. Just they have to pay. No improvements in health care for the grand majority of Americans - probably just the opposite since Insurance companies now have a government that forces people to pay them. People on the last government health care system (medicare) lose benifits and have to pay more.

All taxpayers now will get to pay for another layer of government that will act like an insurance company. They will also get to pay extra for the enforcement agencies that keep watch to make sure the insurance companies are paid.

This is what we got over the weekend.

>>It looks like the socialists will buy enough votes to grab our wallets for any attempts we make at health care.
>>Tamar, Mike, and the other socialists and thieves, you owe me money. A lot of it. Pay up.
>>How dare I say such a thing? How dare you stick your collective hands in my wallet?

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