22/03/2010 23:49:40
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Third party products
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C# 3.0
Windows XP SP2
Windows 2003 Server
MS SQL Server
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"Should be fairly easy to implement" -- famous last words! <g>

Actually in my limited experience with SF it really does make things easy. Well, eas-IER. As a long time FoxExpress enthusiast I can see why Charles likes StrataFrame so much.

>I am very new to Strataframe but I just happened to have read this section of the help file over the weekend. I would say that this should be fairly easy to implement.
>""Quote from Help FIle""
>StrataFrame provides complete support for transaction processing by utilizing the ADO.NET DbTransaction object. When using transaction processing, you are not required to keep track of the transaction object as you would be with basic ADO.NET programming.
>The BusinessLayer class within the StrataFrame Class Library supports several shared (static in C#) methods for maintaining the transaction state:
>TransactionBegin() This method is called to start the transaction. After the transaction is started, any business object can participate in the transaction.
>TransactionEnd() This method commits all queries executed during the transaction and disposes of the transaction object. Additionally, it accepts the changes on all business objects that were enrolled within the transaction.
>TransactionRollback() This method rolls back all queries executed within the transaction and disposes of the transaction object.
>Transaction processing is often used to implement pessimistic concurrency. Database tables participating in the transaction can be locked, depending on the IsolationLevel used when the transaction was started. This prevents client applications other than the transaction owner from modifying the tables while the transaction is processing.
>""End of help file quote""
>>I am just beginning to investigate Strataframe and I have a specific question. I would appreciate an answer from anyone who might know the correct answer. I am not prepared to signup for their free trial yet and I don't think I can post questions on their user forum.
>>The frameworks I have worked with in the past seem to be designed expecting that I will be editing one record at a time from a given table. If I attempt to add or edit another record in the same table without saving the first record I edited, I am forced to either save the changes or abandon the changes before I can move to and edit another record.
>>I am a CPA and I need to be able to add or edit multiple debit and/or credit transactions and then save all of them wrapped in a single backend transaction. Does Strataframe allow this right out of the box?