23/03/2010 09:18:52
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Visual FoxPro
VFP Compiler for .NET
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>>This phrase intrigued me in your reply: "no silly error messages anymore because I got the type wrong." Uh, would you rather not know? Or you really, really enjoy debugging runtime errors? <g>
>But that's the great thing about loose typing - you can't *get* the type wrong because the type is whatever you say it is when you use it <s>
>I take a back seat to no one in the old-school non-engineered sloppiness of my programming style and i still just don't get the idea that somehow an IDE like VS that practically sits on your lap and licks your ear to guide you through not making dumb run-time errors and uses strong typing which with the intellisense takes me less time to enforce than just typing the extra characters for Hungarian notation is somehow a burden.
>I *want* the compiler (and in fact the IDE catches a lot of dumb stuff I do before I even try to compile it) to save me from myself. When I get a compile error (or god help me a runtime error) in VFP it is time consuming. When I get a compile error in VS I double click it, it takes me to the error and I fix it.
>Strong typing in VFPs rather paultry IDE would be a pain indeed but I haven't even noticed it as an inconvenience in .NET

We are in agreement once again.

To quote the movie you enjoyed so much -- well, the book anyway --

"When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean -- neither more nor less."
"The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make words mean so many different things."
"The question is," said Humpty Dumpty, "which is to be master - - that's all."
(Through the Looking Glass, Chapter 6)

Many more classic lines here --

PS -- I returned "Berlin Game" to the library unread. The only edition my little local library was an omnibus, "Game, Set, and Match." It weighed about 10 bricks. I wanted to read an enjoyable book, not get in shape <g>.