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>>>>>>>>>Guns are bought to kill, cars aren't
>>>>>>>>Not necessarily.
>>>>>>>>I don't hunt. I have a collection of weapons that are fun to shoot (targets).
>>>>>>>>If needed, they could be used otherwise.
>>>>>>>>Cars can be used to kill (intentionally or not). Cars are involved 10s of thousands of deaths in the US alone every year. Guns aren't.
>>>>>>>In 1999, there were 28874 gun-related deaths in the United States - over 80 deaths every day and 41,611 people killed in auto accidents in 1999.
>>>>>>>So 10s of thousands is a slight exaggeration
>>>>>>I must say the number of gun related deaths is higher than I imagined.
>>>>>>Thank a democrat for being soft on crime for that.
>>>>>Well, of course -- it's the Democrats' fault!
>>>>>If anyone is soft on crime, how come there are so many people in prison? And how come crime rates have been falling for years?
>>>>>Wait, I've got it. It's all those guns in private hands that are making us safe. Makes perfect sense.
>>>>Scared the he%% out of me watching a gun walk down the street the other day looking for a poor disenfranchised youth to force into murder.
>>>>Make prison a bad place. Make it a place where returning is not something palatable.
>>>>Murder someone - public execution. You won't murder anyone again. You won't be taking up prison space. you won't be in prison getting your law degree (paid by taxpayers) or wasting taxpayers $$ on playing the legal system.
>>>Please explain to me how this viewpoint differs from the Taliban's. Harsh justice, the harsher the better.
>>The Taliban probably have a word for walk. The fact that I do doesn't equate me with them.
>Please take a private moment to think about it. I sincerely do not see the difference. What is the difference between publicly saying, as you have many times, that you would be happy to perform public executions and what the Taliban do.

Please take a private moment to think about executing someone for murder after proper trial procedure versus executing someone for being an infidel, for being an educated woman, for not listening to the proper imam, for thinking for yourself, etc.

Please tell me that is equivalent thinking.

Go ahead.

I'm listening.

Don't Tread on Me

Overthrow the federal government NOW!