25/03/2010 13:06:11
John Baird
Coatesville, Pennsylvania, United States
25/03/2010 12:20:30
Walter Meester
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>>>>>>>>The solution is to let the girl who is raped, make the decision herself. Without any pressure from anyone else. It's her life, she should have the freedom to choose herself.
>>>>>>>>You are so far from right it's scary.
>>>>>>>>If a girl get's raped it's not just her decision. If the girl is underage, her parents would most likely end up raisiong the baby. I'm
>>>>>>>>speaking from personal experience. it is most certainly NOT just her life.
>>>>>>>It should be her decision to keep or abort the baby. I don't see anything scary about that.
>>>>>>>I find it outright scary that someone else will decide for you.
>>>>>>Ya, you're right. if a 13 year old girl is raped and impregnated, she's compentant enough to decide whether or not to keep the baby.
>>>>>>Speaking as one raising a grandchild for a raped, underage daughter - you have no clue.
>>>>>Well, if she is that young, I'd say, abortion regardless, no matter what she wants. I find it totally irresponsible to let a child be born in those conditions.
>>>>>Remember the song "int the getto?"
>>>>Who says the grandparents can't raise the child?? Or why not put the baby up for adoption?? There are alot of people out there
>>>>who can't have children who would love to have the baby.
>>>Many people who can't have a child on their own... end up in my application... , applying for fertility treatment including or excluding doctors.
>>>Irregardless, its not without medical, social and emotional risks to let a 13 year old have a baby. This is hugely underestimated. In the early stages of pregnancy, a therapeutic abortion is many times the best option. I might agree with ethical arguments if its beyond 19 weeks or so, but before that the fetus cannot be regarded a baby and therefore a full human being. Therefore equating abortion with "Baby killers" don't fly with me.
>>>Question to you, if you're daughter was pregnant at age 13 and she is before the 3rd trimester, and she does not want it, would you let it be born?
>>Question: A definition of intelligent life is self awareness - Is the fetis self aware? If you say it is, then when does it become self aware?
>As far as science currently understands, self awareness is not present until week 23 or later (arround 5.5 months).

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