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>>>>>>>>>The U.S. Taliban now has two members.
>>>>>>>>>Many more than that, sadly.

>>>>>>>>>What exactly are you saying, Mr. Beane?
>>>>>>>>I thought it was clear. That your hostile sense of justice differs little or at all from the Taliban's.
>>>>>>>>Enough of this discussion. It's going to give me a heart attack.
>>>>>>>So - our health care will take care of that now.
>>>>>>>(sorry - just couldn't help myself)
>>>>>>Don't jump the gun! Mike's heart attack will not be covered by mandate until 2014. However, he will be paying for it between now and then...
>>>>>My costs aren't going to go up a nickel. I am already paying through the nose.
>>>>The multitude of tax increases are phased in between now and 2013, whereas the individual mandate, no-deny insurance, insurance exchanges and credits do not start until 2014. Your costs are going up, guaranteed, whether or not you'll see the "benefits" notsomuch.
>>>We'll see.
>>>Projections are that costs will go down. As opposed to gong up 16% per year like clockwork. As a fiscal conservative I thought you would like that.
>>Costs may in fact go down for insurance companies.
>>That will not mean lower costs for the victims of this sham.
>>No controls on rates. Only guarantees are that all US citizens are forced to purchase insurance and that new Federal bureaucracy will up taxes while they are at it. The insurance companies will have a ball.
>>Government mandated extortion.
>The key part that went down the hole was a government sponsored alternative to the predators. I truly, honestly don't understand why so many intelligent people were against that. It was only an option!

It was an option that first of all put the government in the health insurance business, adding another government arm as big as any in history to the tax roles. That government arm then competes head to head with the insurance industry (as successfully as other government attempts).

IF by any chance it was actually competitive, the insurance companies go broke, the economy tanks, the gub-mint pays for all the damage and winds up sole health care provider the the country.

If it isn't competitive, then it simply is hundreds of billions of $$ (tax $$) tossed down the toilet every year to follow other trillions (the key term of this fraudulent administration) that don't exist.

One way or another, no attempt to control costs to the US citizen. the only differences are in how much money is sucked out of your wallet by the IRS and the insurance companies (that now have legal mandate to do just that).

Don't Tread on Me

Overthrow the federal government NOW!