25/03/2010 14:29:35
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The quickened pace of the news piling on to destroy this hoax is getting difficult to keep up with. Here's a couple more items I read just since yesterday. Enjoy!

Congratulations New Jersey!
Christie Shreds New Jersey Climate Change Programs

Cowgate? Seriously, has any actual verifiable science been done or is it all just eco-vegie-claptrap?

More giggles from more things cause by global warming.
The loss of Bengal Island err...Bengal sandbar.

The Register has noticed the selection of Lord Oxburgh to head the inquiry into Climategate. Love the byline!
'Dracula's in charge of the blood bank'

Luckily our glorious elitist leaders know what's good for us so they're pushing forth with cap-n-tax, er...just "tax" now?

NASA's prediction machine predicts 2010 as hottest year

This is on the heels of the UK Met office scrubbing their prediction of a warm winter

and I'll close with a parody...Warning : the references in this spoof will not make much sense if you don't know the players.

Cheer up Jake! You know what they say...
Some things in life are bad
They can really make you mad
Other things just make you swear and curse.
When you're chewing on life's gristle
Don't grumble, give a whistle
And this'll help things turn out for the best...

>In times of strife I'm reminded to look to the bright side, the silver lining or any signs of optimism. Recent global warming news has brought the smile back to my face and I'd like to share my joy.
>Shall we start with policy? Congratulations to the French!
>France shelves key carbon tax plan
>How about history? Congratulations to the London Science Museum!
>Public scepticism prompts Science Museum to rename climate exhibition
>How about sea ice? Congratulations to both the Arctic and Antarctic!
>Goddard Data and Global Sea Ice Doesn't Fit
>On the glaring hypocrisy front we have :
>A tainted inquiry, namely the just announced Royal Society Panel.
>Lord Oxburgh - Green entrepeneur
>Kerry Emanuel - Michael Mann co-author
>Lisa Graumlich - Michael Mann co-author
>I cannot think of anyone more objective to "examine the scientific aspects of the Climategate affair" than someone with a vested monetary interest in the results and two individuals who've co-authored papers with one of the principals involved in the scandal. ;)
>Then there's poor James Hansen lamenting about not having time to draw up further AGW BS and having to actually do his job.
>Poor guy must be a terrible burden to have to put all his precious propogandizing off onto Gavin.
>Oh and in case you missed it...NASA's data is "less reliable" than UEA's because it built off UEA's raw data. You know, the UEA raw data that no longer exists.
>In fact, Three of the Four Temperature Datasets Now Irrevocably Tainted
>;) If only climate modelers understood the data 101 rule GIGO. They should've used VFP programmers.
>How about some good old fashioned scientific journal censorship? Old fashioned for global warming research at least.
>For giggles, how about we add a few things to the list of "caused by global warming"
>Flowers losing scent :
>More violence :
>Dwindling butterflies :
>...and of course more global cooling :
>Here's a comprehensive list :
>I could obviously go on but I've restored my smile. Instead I think I'll take James Cameron up on his offer.
>I want to call those deniers out into the street at high noon and shoot it out with those boneheads," Cameron said. Turning more serious, he added: "Anybody that is a global-warming denier at this point in time has got their head so deeply up their ass I'm not sure they could hear me.
>I accept. And hey James, I'm coming armed with facts, reason, logic and a kick-ass review of your latest propaganda piece : Dances with Smurfs
>For those who missed the Dances with Smurfs reference :
>btw: If you like that dissection of Avatar, you've got to watch Red Letter's review of Phantom Menace.
>I feel much better now. ;)

Wine is sunlight, held together by water - Galileo Galilei
Un jour sans vin est comme un jour sans soleil - Louis Pasteur
Water separates the people of the world; wine unites them - anonymous
Wine is the most civilized thing in the world - Ernest Hemingway
Wine makes daily living easier, less hurried, with fewer tensions and more tolerance - Benjamin Franklin