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>>>>California first - Rode Island & Nevada next....
>>>>It will be interesting when it passes to see if federal authorities sue to keep the measure from becoming law.
>>>I think the biggest opponents of legalizing it are not cops but drug dealers. They have more to lose then anybody else.
>>Well - you might have a point there...however I suspect that there will be more cops voting that drug dealers.
>>Anyway it will be interesting to see how the vote goes. I'd really like to see it pass - and based on all the polls I'd seen the people of California seem to be for it. Once they police organizations, bible-tumpers, and pharmaceutical companies start hiring lobbyists and blow a few zillion dollars on a scare-campaign hopefully it will still pass.
>I think a lot of cops are indifferent to or opposed to marijuana laws on the grounds that it just interferes with and drains time and resources from real police work. I certainly knew a lot of DEA guys who felt that way ( though of course there are always careerists, power freaks and idiots who just like badges and guns so they can tell other people what to do ) Cops come in all varieties. I don't think as a voting block they will be more than a wash .
>Legal medical marijuana seems like a no-brainer and a nice transition to figuring out how to integrate it into mainstream society with the least consequences. I don't hear of it causing a lot of problems where it has been implemented. Obama's justice department is strangely reluctant to ease up on federal interference in state policy, though.

I haven't talked to enough cops to get a feel for the % of ones for or against - however I know all the Police Unions and such are against it - but now the politicians are not afraid to say they're for legalization.
One thing Obama has done is end the federal raids on the California dispensaries. Another point in fact is that the last 3 presidents we've had have all smoked pot at one time or another.
ICQ 10556 (ya), 254117