04/04/2010 12:41:19
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>I think Viv is correct that you may need to loop through all the labels and set the ForeColor individually for each label (that's how I understood Viv and this is how it works in VFP as well).

Not quite what Viv meant. This is what he said:
But bear in mind that, for example, Foreground is an ambient property - if you have specifically set the value in the control itself then it will no longer 'inherit' from the form

So, Cecil ... what's most likely happened is that somewhere you're setting Label font colors. Do you have your own Label class? The System Label will automatically inherit the Form's ForeColor. Or perhaps you have labels in a UserControl and you're setting ForeColors there? IAC, that's what you need to look at to find the problem.


>This refers to the form. Try with the backcolor, you'll see the backcolor of the form will change.
>I think Viv is correct that you may need to loop through all the labels and set the ForeColor individually for each label (that's how I understood Viv and this is how it works in VFP as well).
>>Man, maybe I shouldn't post late at night when I am tired...:) I was working on both Font and Color proeprties and with it being so late, somehow both were intermingled. Sorry about that; I've corrected it below to be more clear.
>>>>I have a situation where the same code works in one Windows Form, but not in another form I am now working on in my C# class. I believe I have all the code necessary to change the default "ForeColor" property for the WinForm, but the "ForeColor" on all the labels does not change at all. Did I miss any steps here?
>>        private void colorToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
>>        {
>>             colorDialog1.Color = this.ForeColor; // Get initial color value.
>>             colorDialog1.ShowDialog();           // Let the user choose the ForeColor value.
>>             this.ForeColor = colorDialog1.Color; // Set the ForeColor value.
>>        }
>>>Bit confusing since you talk about Fonts and the code is for Colors :-}
>>>But the code should work - as should the equivalent using FontDialog().
>>>But bear in mind that, for example, Foreground is an ambient property - if you have specifically set the value in the control itself then it will no longer 'inherit' from the form
Bonnie Berent DeWitt
NET/C# MVP since 2003