05/04/2010 17:07:54
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>>>It was not as partisan then.
>>Checkout what was running in the Texas papers the week before the assassination. Hate is an ongoing theme in any society. Coverage was different, but the sheer nastiness in America during the early sixties still peeked through the more restricted media coverage. Anybody who worked civil rights in the South saw partisanship at its worst. It wasn't so much Dem/Rep since at that time the Dixiecrats were Dems. I think the people who hated Kennedy ( not just those who were political foes ) were a lot more vitriolic than the Obama haters. ( and for some of them his being an Irish Catholic was probably every bit as big a deal as half of Obama is to the racists. )
>You must be coding hard, you are writing English with spaced parentheses ;-)
>I know the history of the anti-Catholocism JFK faced and how they hit it head on in West Virginia. Seems a little quaint now, doesn't it? But that is our entire history of immigration. Each new wave is resisted, then they assimilate. Hispanics are the biggest wave yet and the same will happen with them. It's already happening. Something like 90% of second generation Hispanic-Americans speak English as their first language.
>I thought you thought it was the mob and Cubans who took out JFK?
>Don't get me started about someone trying to take out Obama, as our friend Mr. Kuhn put it so eloquently the other day. I am convinced someone will at least try. Every time I pop online for a news checkup I half expect it to be there.

To hear my mom tell it, no President was as evil and crooked as Johnson. As to Obama's safety - every President has had numerous real threats and attempts. I'm comfortable he is as protected (if not more so) than any other President in history.

"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser." - Socrates
Vita contingit, Vive cum eo. (Life Happens, Live With it.)
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away." -- author unknown
"De omnibus dubitandum"