06/04/2010 02:55:11
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>Sometimes when the warranty expires the door handles fall off.
>I've gotten a lot of emails and calls from friends who have detected that things are not all good in Gonzoland. And they would be correct but I've been holding back until I had a clearer picture of what the hell if going on with me.
>The picture is clearer and here it is unvarnished: I did a really stupid thing and now have a hernia which is scheduled for repair on April 23rd. It hurts a bit but it's minor. Meanwhile, early last month my brain went "toink" and I went on meds ... for the 1st time since 2004...In November 2004 I had a silly little breakdown. It lasted 3 weeks and this time I got over it after about the same, At least I think I'm over it.
>Meanwhile things went awry downstairs. I have a nearly complete blockage where one does not want to have such, I have had tests and more tests are forthcoming this Thursday.
>Any one of these three issues I could handle by itself but all three at the same time has thrown me for a loop.
>As I know more I will post because, well, we're all family aren't we? I don't see any reason to keep this to myself when I have so many good friends out there.

You know my thoughts are with you. The good news as I see it is the two physical problems should both be correctable with relatively minor surgery. (Minor surgery being surgery performed on someone else <g>). The other, well, six years in between isn't so bad.

You're right, this is family, and you have a lot of friends here.