06/04/2010 22:31:24
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>>>>>Yeah, I saw that awhile back. Very funny. But after using OS X and Win7, I really feel like Win7 is easier to get around in. OS X has some really stupid things like now allowing you to just press the Delete key to delete a file or folder. There are a lot of little things that they do that are just stupid and stubborn, like the refusal to let you resize a window from any side. And then there was the time I tried to edit a video in iPhoto, where I had imported it from my iPhone. It seemed to let me do it, but then I couldn't find the edited copy. Turns out they were just firing up QuickTime to allow the editing, but then when you saved, it was not saved back to the iPhoto database. What you had to do was then move it out of the iPhoto database folder, then import it to iPhoto. So much for integration. With Automation in Windows, it'd be possible to let another app edit the video, but then get it saved back so that the original app could see it and use it. On the Mac it just seems that wasn't a thought that occurred to them. They let you "Edit" but you're not really editing the way you think you are, so getting what you really want involves extra steps. Just poor interface and integration, but never try to tell an Apple fanboy that. Apple is god, of course.
>>>>I do not consider myself a fanboy at all. I just think they make very good products. User design is in their DNA.
>>>>Here is a case in point. Last night I was listening to the iPod and realized how nice it felt in my hand. (No comments, wise guys). Not too light, not too heavy, just exactly heavy enough, curved around the edges. It had a really satisfying heft. And you can bet someone out in Cupertino thought about it.
>>>>Apple can be stubborn, occasionally to their own detriment. It goes with their independent streak. (Not for nothing did the original Mac team work out of a building with a pirate's flag flying over the entrance). They are convinced they know what we want before we know we want it. They do not do focus groups. They trust in themselves and put out a lot more hits than misses.
>>>>Fanboy or not fanboy? ;-) --- I have an iPad on order, due to ship at the end of the month. If my contract is not renewed or converted to employment I may cancel the order. In the meantime I am licking my chops.
>>>I like Apple. Always have. But I guess I like them less now that I've started using a Mac again. I think they were jerks for removing the Insert key from their keyboards. Supposedly they did a survey and no one was using it - or at least not enough for them to care. There have been plenty of posts with people irritated at them over it. I found some info that said you could simulate it with a Control this or a Command that (can't remember the keystrokes now), but none of them worked in VFP to toggle between insert and overstrike modes. So now I do this: ON KEY LABEL F9 INSMODE(NOT INSMODE())
>>>In some of those posts, I saw replies that effectively said this: "Well, why would you want to use overstrike mode? That's a terrible thing. Most switchers get used to the Apple way (insert mode) and decide it's better." Now those are the fanboys. They don't use it, so they decide that anyone who does is misguided. And then they claim the switchers - PC to Mac - get used to it and like it better with no empirical evidence to back up that statement. You and I know that insert and overstrike have their important and helpful uses in programming, but these fanboys just think everyone is like them and everyone should do it their way.
>>>It's just a lot of little things and their arrogance in general that have made my respect for them decrease. Ultimately, they are just as bad as M$ or worse, since they have an even more closed and proprietary system. I do have the iPhone and love it (but - like most other people - I hate AT&T). Can't really justify an iPad at the moment and current reports say they are having problems with the WiFi reception in the iPads.
>>>Basically, Apple could do a lot for itself if they just got an attitude adjustment and lost the arrogance. I have a friend that does important work with them regarding their iPhone design/performance (from the cell phone aspect) and he also finds them to be really arrogant.
>>They are arrogant. Sometimes I wish they were less arrogant and less proprietary / closed. Maybe it goes hand and hand with good design. They really do believe they know best They refuse to even do focus groups.
>I'm pretty sure L Ron Hubbard left very specific guidance on a lot of these issues.

That's all right, the tens of millions of us who are Apple customers are all brainwashed. ;-)