09/04/2010 09:58:00
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>>>>has a special to 4/15 for $99 for a year ( $129 with sample code - which is a good deal ) for all the AppDev training videos ( and anything that comes out in the next year ) Worth checking out. I've been paying $50 a month without the source and found that worth it ( just what a learned about SQL 2008 SSIS in a week was worth a bundle in billable hours )
>>>>I have no affiliation or vested interest in this whatsoever - just a customer ( who whined and complained loudly when they did not offer the demo apps code with the videos - looks like they listened and licensed the code as well as the videos from AppDev )
>>>>( just went through the first hour or so of the new stuff they di for VS2010 and I have to say it was very good. )
>>>Sounds intriguing. (And I love the comparison chart at the bottom of the page <g>).
>>>Not that it matters so much, but is the content really from AppDev? They have a different web site,, with different offers.
>>Definitely AppDev training. Appdev stamped all over it and Ken Gerstner and Robert Green. You don't get the workbooks or whatever, but they have licensed the exact training videos you get on the appdev site and now, evidently, the sample code as well. A very good deal. I've gone through about 40 hours of the training so far and find it well work the money at $50 a month (I joined Nov 1 ) Now at $10 a month for a year with sample code it is pretty much no-brainer. There are at least 10 hours just on SSIS 2008 and there is some very nice new stuff on VS 2010 / .NET 4
>Thanks. I definitely take your recommendations when Apple is not involved <g>.
>The only thing that is concerning me is I can't get the sample videos to run. At home earlier, under Vista, I got a hairy looking error message. Here at work (XP) it says "Windows Media Player is not functioning properly" even though the latest version is installed and seems to be working otherwise.
>UPDATE: The samples run in IE, not in Firefox. I can live with that.

The DRM is a pain in the butt. Forewarned, you can only use your subscription on ONE BOX. DRM is very cranky, though not as bad as back in November before the went to a Silverlight model for the videos.

Anyway, once you get it working its great, but the DRM is exactly the reason I won't use any media content with DRM

Charles Hankey

Though a good deal is too strange to be believed, nothing is too strange to have happened.
- Thomas Hardy

Half the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important. They don't mean to do harm-- but the harm does not interest them. Or they do not see it, or they justify it because they are absorbed in the endless struggle to think well of themselves.

-- T. S. Eliot
Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote.
- Ben Franklin

Pardon him, Theodotus. He is a barbarian, and thinks that the customs of his tribe and island are the laws of nature.