03/09/2016 08:23:17
02/09/2016 15:32:50
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>>>>I also judge things other than the economy. I see a more diverse federal bench. I see increased equality for LGBT folks. I see a lot of people with health insurance who didn't have it before. (And yeah, it could better if Congress hadn't obstructed fixing the initial flaws in the program.)
>>>Is a "more diverse federal bench" a measure of the effectiveness of the Supreme Court?
>>>The bible says "By their fruits ye shall know them."
>>>It doesn't mention diversity.
>>>A bunch of white men changed history by integrating our schools.
>>>Has any court - however diverse- since then matched the magnitude of that decision?
>>>Of course we liberals want all groups to get a fair shake - even an extra boost for those who have been wronged in the past- but ultimately capability must trump identity or we'll fail.
>>Of course, capability matters. But to imply that we can't have capability and diversity suggests that only white men are capable.
>Saying that capability trumps diversity doesn't imply that.
>You said: . "I see a more diverse federal bench"
>I said that diversity is not a measure of how good the court is - the court's decision determine that.
>We can look back at this court that you call diverse and decide whether their decisions were good or bad.
>While on the subject - who decides what "diversity" means?
>I see a bunch of lawyers in black robes.
>Previous courts had tall and short judges, young and old judges.
>What nomenclature court in the sky determined that this court is diverse?

First of all, I said "courts," not "court." I was referring not just to SCOTUS (though, on some measures, it is more diverse than it's ever been), but to the overall federal court system. There are now more women, more people of color, more LGBT people than there have ever been sitting on the federal bench. The mix of judges looks a lot more like the mix of people they're called on to judge.

Since I believe that it's not hard to find capable people in all those groups, I consider that a good thing. It increases the chance of equal justice for all.
