14/09/2016 12:56:12
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I am not going to argue. I simply go by many messages on this board I saw regarding MS Win 10 data collection. And as long as I can turn it off, I would be ok. My biggest problem with Avast (the AV I use now) is that every time I connect to my online bank they pop up the message that "everybody sees it and that I should buy something from them". This is annoying as hell and scary if they actually do see my user name and password. I use Gmail but I get more spam on my personal email (not gmail). Spam sucks but I learned to live with it.

>I've not seen anything where Microsoft collects personally identifiable data. They may collect some things, but it gets aggregated. This is unlike Google. They scan your personal email for keywords to send you advertising, track you across all Google sites and even lots of non-Google sites through their DoubleClick advertising subsidiary, and keep all this tied to you.
>>Thank you for your input. As I said, I respect your opinion. Maybe I will change my mind. One thing I like from your list is not having to have an anti-virus since I am not comfortable with Avast; too intrusive. But I hear that MS could be just as intrusive into personal data.
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