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>>Everyone keeps saying Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi. Does anyone know that no wrongdoing was found?
>>..and it's not like they didn't TRY to find wrongdoing - they sure as heck looked pretty hard to find something - but did not. Two years and 7 million dollars worth of investigations - conclusion - no wrongdoing. I understand you want to find faults with HRC - but please use real ones not made up GOP or imaginary Trump ones.
>Victor, you might want to take a closer look at the CNN report. Even though it's a pretty light piece that overlooks several key findings of the investigation, it still recognizes that the administration tried to paint the attackers in the same light as the protests in Cairo, and that the State Department did not adequately address the security risks involved, even with previous terrorist attacks in Libya (Red Cross building, British embassy, etc.)

>Without the investigation, we would never have known that HRC had told leaders in Egypt that the attack was pre-planned by Al Sharia, while she was simultaneously assisting with the administration's election year lie on the spontaneous protest of the "Youtube video"
>Without the investigation, we might never have known about HRC's private email server (which no other investigation uncovered).
>Without the investigation, we might never have known (through accidental discovery by the Democrats) the large amount of money Sid Blumenthal made through connections with the Clintons, in near-defiance of Obama telling HRC not to hire Blumenthal in any advisory role
>Without the investigation, we might not know that only one attacker has been brought to justice.

>Without the investigation, we never would have learned that it was Obama's former campaign people who advised Susan Rice to go on 5 Sunday news shows and blame the attack on the Youtube video.

>These are impeachable offenses on members of this administration (yes it is constitutionally valid to impeach HRC from holding future federal office)

...but at the end of the day, they found no wrong doing. Another thing to keep in mind here is funding. Inadequate security funding from congress causes things like Benghazi to be able to happen - and congress declined to provide the full amount requested by Obama, resulting in taking money away from embassy security funding....and if you poke around you'll find that the department’s base requests have not been fully funded since 2008. Even if you want to stick it to HRC for all this - climb further up the the tree of how all this was even able to come about and it falls in the laps of the obstructionist GOP refusing to let Obama do anything. Soon we will all infected with the zika virus because of the GOP thinking pattern here. golly -- hmmm allow pending plague to happen ...or uhh give Obama a win and provide funding to fight it? naaaa we da GOP we pick plague! ...and then I'm sure they will blame Obama for it and Fox news will eat it up.
ICQ 10556 (ya), 254117