23/09/2016 09:37:58
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>I am trying to test the following:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>On customer server I installed a Web API site. When I connect to their server (via VPN and RDT) I can enter a URL into the IE on the server (where the Web API is installed) and I get a string returned that I expect. So it works.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Can you access with web page from your machine (i.e. not just on the server using RDT) ?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>No. Which means that even if I VPN my iPad to their network, something will be blocking. I will be driving to the customer site today and test it there. This is super important for me as they will be my first iOS app customer.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>Thank you.
>>>>>>>>>>>>Hi. Been offline for a couple of days. Did you resolve this ?
>>>>>>>>>>>No. Which is a pain because I cannot test the iOS app from my office. And the customers is 60 miles away. And making the trip for every test is not a practical approach. When I was on-site, at customer, this Wednesday, I asked their IT manager if what I am trying to do (connect my iPad to the server from my office) is possible, and he said No.
>>>>>>>>>>Just to be clear : Can you browse their server on your PC browser when connected over VPN ?
>>>>>>>>>No. I tried it. I can do it when I RDP to their server but not from my PC browser :(
>>>>>>>>What URL are you using ? The IP address of the server ?
>>>>>>>>Did the IT manager tell you why the answer was 'No' ?
>>>>>>>I think I was using the name of the server. But I can try with IP as well.
>>>>>>>No, the IT manager did't tell me why. You see even when I was onsite he had to connect the iPad to their network, in order for the iPad to "see" the server. When I am in my office, I am not connected to their wireless network. Maybe this is why.
>>>>>>I'd concentrate on getting access to the site from your PC browser over VPN. If that's not working there's no chance that the IPad would work either.
>>>>>>Can you ping the IP address of the remote server over VPN ?
>>>>>Yes, I can ping their server from my PC. And yes, I can get the Web API return the version number from my browser, using the IP address (instead of name). Thank you!
>>>>>But I cannot get the iPad browser to call the server :(.
>>>>Can you make a VPN connection with the IPad ? (Settings/General/VPN)
>>>When I enter the URL for Citrix Access Gateway VPN to this customer on iPad and enter my ID and password I get message somethings like "If the Access Gateway Plug in for Java does not start automatically, you can open the Access Gateway session window manually". But if I understand correctly, Java does not run on iOS. In fact when I click on the link to start the session window manually, I get message that "JRE is not installed on your machine. Install JRE and try"
>>Hmm. Might be wrong but I don't think Apple allows the Java runtime on their machines (for the same reasons they won't, for example, allow Flash). Guess you're stuck if they're using Citrix :-{
>>Bear in mind that I might be wrong - Citrix gateway is not something I'm familiar with.....
>I think you are right about Apple and Java. Thank you for your help!

If you are using IIS Express for local development you may be able to test on Safari on the IPad. See :