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>>>>Do you know if it is possible to add a Summary Band to a report, from VFP code? A customer wants a certain note to be printed at the bottom of certain reports (these are more like forms than reports although they can span over more than 1 page). I think that the way to do it is to dynamically (in code) add a Summary Band to these reports (for this customer). The summary could have a label or a text placeholders that will get the text/value from a .txt file. But how do I add a Summary Band in code?
>>>Does it work with having it always available but with Print When condition?
>>This is a different approach than I thought but it could work. How would I enable/disable the Print when of the Summary?
>What do you mean? Just add a condition that will print the text for these customers that need it and not print it for the customers that do not need it. I think, not sure, that if the text will have a Print When condition and it would be evaluated to false, then there would not be extra space (or just a little).

I thought I could just make the entire Summary to be dependent on a variable. But since it is not an option, I will work with Text. I am concerned that just a little empty space can "push" the print-out into a next page. And customers who do not need this Summary text will not be happy. Thank you for your suggestion.
"The creative process is nothing but a series of crises." Isaac Bashevis Singer
"My experience is that as soon as people are old enough to know better, they don't know anything at all." Oscar Wilde
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