01/10/2016 12:24:18
01/10/2016 11:49:34
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>I only saw a bit more than the last half H, so from other descriptions missed the part where Trump was not trumped.
>I perceived an old man acting petulant (as some Alzheimer patients do very early - might be overinterpreting after reading about his concentration lapses) loosing arguments against a grandmother image I would not trust anywhere with my money or family. Sad state of things - I had hoped that they would be coached enough as to not embarass them that much.

The debate was sad. Very sad.

On the one hand, Trump is about as anti-intellectual as it gets. He has no formal education (or demonstrated astute knowledge) in civics, makes boastful and incorrect claims, and he rarely makes compelling arguments. Even in the instances where he has a point, he ruins it with irrelevant babbling and ad-hominem attacks. I am not a feminist, but certainly his poor history with women is relevant today. Just like many other loud conservatives, his antics create a narrative where his opposition wins simply by appearing more civilized. He's embarrassing.

On the other hand, HRC is extremely dishonest, and about as pretentious as it gets. Her "in real time" claim during the debate that her website would fact check Trump is a deceitful (though effective) cover for the fact that she shouted out some incredible falsehoods during the debate. This "make college debt free" for families making under 125K is impossible and she knows it. She tried to play revisionist history with her support on TPP. She has flip-flopped many times on nuclear energy - most recently saying in a magazine interview that she favored it for the future, but would only speak of other forms of energy during the debate. She grossly misrepresented the state of Iran's nuclear program at the time they started the Iran deal. She was absolutely wrong about job creation coming from existing small businesses - they are the ones who have been affected by the current administration's policies. (The truth is that most job creation comes from start-ups.) And finally, while the tactics against Sanders were dirty enough, her manipulation of Kaine into supporting the overturn of the Hyde amendment gives new meaning to the phrase "selling out".

I'm hard-pressed to find one redeeming leadership quality in either candidate. It's sad.