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>>I've said before that I think that the American voter is stupid - and often times Trump supporters are just dumb. It's the Dunning-Kruger effect - often times they're too dumb to know they're dumb.
>>All you have to do is watch a couple of interviews with a few Trump surrogates to see this in action. Racists would naturally flock to this like moths to a light.
>I have a question. What do you think of individuals who truly believe that HRC has a chance of making college debt free for families making less than 125K a year?

I would say while this might actually be possible, I would suggest being skeptical. Obviously in the long run doing this would turn out to be a worthy investment for us as a country to make. But see that's just thing - you can actually say something like that to the person - then a lot of these HRC supporters will go do some research and have some informed thought about it and find articles like this to read - but all too often this is not the case with a Trump supporter - they read something their drunk uncle billybob (the same one who says he was abducted by aliens) wrote on facebook about how Obama was born in Africa and is a secret agent Muslim sent here to destroy America and they believe it and nothing will ever convince them otherwise because they're convinced they're smart - when it fact they're dumb. I watched a reporter outside a Trump rally yesterday go down the line of people waiting to get inside - almost NONE of them thought Obama was born in the USA. The reporter asked one lady "why do you think he wasn't born in the USA?' - her response was "wellll he never showed his birth certificate' -- the reporter pointed out that he had and said "but he did show it" - dumb ladies response was "noooo he did not". This is not an obscure event here - this is damn right typical. But - to more directly answer your question - if someone thinks HRC can snap her fingers and make college free then they don't know how government works, but I think it would be a false equivalency here to compare the two.
ICQ 10556 (ya), 254117