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>I've said before that I think that the American voter is stupid - and often times Trump supporters are just dumb. It's the Dunning-Kruger effect - often times they're too dumb to know they're dumb.
>All you have to do is watch a couple of interviews with a few Trump surrogates to see this in action. Racists would naturally flock to this like moths to a light.

>And did you even bother to watch the vice presidential debates last night? Tim Kaine couldn't stop interrupting long enough to let Mike Pence get a word in edgewise. Also. Kaine sounded like a trained parrot trying to bait Pence with the usual Clinton talking points (which, BTW, he failed to do). So, I would say that there is something wrong with the brains of people who support Clinton/Kaine.

Yes I watched the debate - they both seemed to interrupt each other. It was interesting to see Pence try to claim that Trump did not say the things that he had said and to also see Pence, in a way, distance himself from Trump - something I don't recall seeing a V.P. do before, and attempt to repeatedly say that the Clinton campaign was the one doing a campaign full of insults hahahaha WOW - (and Trump was on twitter posting insults as this was happening hahaha). But none-the-hess - Pence is homophobic and puts ideology before science. The HIV outbreak in his state was caused by his approach to health-care (research about the needle exchange program - or lack of it).In 2015 Pence allowed an HIV outbreak to spread, choosing prayer over a clean needle exchange...and don't forget him saying that condoms are "too modern" and "too liberal" and offer a poor defense against sexually transmitted diseases. There is also the issue of the notorious "religious freedom" law legalizing discrimination against LGBTQ people. He opposed legislation encouraging teens in the state to get vaccinated against HPV and, as a congressional candidate, advocated for diverting HIV/AIDS funding to programs that promoted changing sexual behavior. He also introduced the first federal measure to defund Planned Parenthood; slashed state public-health budgets; and cut funding for smoking prevention programs after famously claiming that “smoking doesn’t kill" (not shocking news considering he's taken over $100,000 in contributions from the tobbaco industry) -- the list goes on and on. Now for those that support these types of polices and utter ignorance of science might be more apt to have "something wrong with their brains" - like lack of one for example. It all goes back to the Dunning-Kruger effect. - and promoting this hate-gays attitude and anti-science idiot stuff will draw in racists as they flock to the ignorant and hateful types.
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