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>>>>However, the claim that she "viciously" attacked the women he was involved with (or allegedly abused) is rated as "mostly false" by Politifact,
>>I didn't say that, it's the victims who make such comments- or at least some of them.
>>>>What makes this tape so damning and why women in particular are condemning him is that he claims that he can do whatever he wants, whether the women want it or not. I think it's telling that the group of GOP senators who've disavowed him includes 5 of the 6 women in that group, but a much lower percentage of the men.
>>The real lesson here, is that anybody with money or fame needs to record their own lives 24/7 and be aware that there's no privacy at all. A non-stop recording disincentivizes bad behavior by Trumps and also prevents opportunistic complaints. I think "privacy" as so valued in Western society, is no longer available to the rich and everybody else needs to realize that when they're with a Trump, their behavior also is recorded. Being rich is about to become quite boring, I think. Great power with great responsibility and sound bites like that, suddenly have become very real.
>>>>The other shocking thing in the video is the treatment of women as objects, not humans. Note the use of the word "it" rather than "she." Women are not amused.
>>I agree it's crass and distasteful. However, I suspect you've never been to a so-called Ladies' Night strip show. In 2016, objectification is not a one-way street and stats among the young say that women probably are more sexually aggressive than boys (I say "boys" because comparatively they are at that age.) Feminist views like ours, may be old fashioned I'm sorry to say.
>>>>Trump appears to believe that the law doesn't apply to him, that because he's rich, he's entitled to a private law.
>>He and all his fellows, many of whom will be creating an extra layer of privileges/protections for themselves and thanking their lucky stars/hoping there's no lurking footage to sour their own aspirations.
>>>>consent is the key distinction here.
>>Yes, but in the end don't you think "consent" as described to a third party, comes down to veracity and motivation? We weren't there, so we make external judgments about "consent" through a glass darkly. As I said, the rich and powerful need to record their own lives 24/7 which ought to end this overnight- either because bad behavior no longer can be evaded, or because you can't be accused for gain.
>As I expected, there are now a whole group of women claiming Trump did to them exactly what he says in the tape he does. By my count, last night, 4 articles in different print media told the stories of 5 different women making quite similar claims. Pretty clear now that this was #NotJustWords.

....yes I expected the same thing - and the number if still growing - think it was up to 7 now when I woke up this morning. I was assuming this would be another Bill Cosby thing where now that these women feel they will actually be believed that more will come forward. Trump will still have his supporters though - as he once said, he could stand out on the street on Park Ave and shoot someone and not loose any supporters. Sadly this appears to be one of the FEW things this bozo has said that is actually true.
ICQ 10556 (ya), 254117