16/10/2016 15:22:38
John Ryan
Captain-Cooker Appreciation Society
Taumata Whakatangi ..., New Zealand
15/10/2016 07:45:36
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>>Here's the reality. Trump was unfit for a dozen reasons before this.

Yes, but all of us are basing impressions on what the MSM puts out there. Including focus on Trump rather than Biden who does seem to fossick women within about a meter of him as shown in numerous photos with women looking decidedly uncomfortable. There's even a hilarious image of Biden stroking the knee of a large unimpressed Southern sheriff. Plus there's footage of Biden joking about spreading your legs to be "frisked" in a group shot, or teasing an elderly woman about her reputation after she reacted to a groping. IMHO it's innocent enough... but imagine if that were Trump saying that and lets not forget there's zero, nada images or other substantiation of allegations against Trump so far. But he's the only dirty groper in the media.

There's another development: the US media (remarkably) is being lectured by Chinese State media about an "ugly unity" and bias. According to the Chinese, so-called objectivity and fairness has been totally discarded by US media. They say that 30 of the biggest dailies support Clinton and none support Trump. "...mainstream US media has heavily hyped up Trump's insulting comments against women, while only scratching the surface of Clinton's e-mail scandals. This selective reporting breached the principles of objectivity."

It's *exceedingly* uncommon for Chinese media to make this sort of statement. Will be interesting to see whether the MSM ignores it, or takes the hit on its intended target (themselves) or attacks the Chinese and turn it into another smear against Trump.

As for the groping allegations: it appears that several dozen women now have come forward with their own stories about how Hillary groped them. Check out #HillaryGropedMe for the growing series of tearful revelations by heroes that are ignored by the partisan MSM. If all stories must be believed, even if only days out from an election with insufficient time to substantiate, do you believe all of the brave heroes, or do you pick only the ones that suit the narrative?

>>Regardless of how much you may dislike Hillary Clinton or her policies, she has the experience, she has the skills, she has the temperament to be President. It's not even close.

Policy-wise, I'm closer to Clinton. E.g. re the ACA. They both seem to have suicidal trade policies. My biggest concern re Clinton is her relationship with Russians and Chinese. Yeah, I know those two are the axis of evil in popular thought, but they're also on the Security Council, they're nuclear armed, they both are forming significant trading relationships across the globe, and it's a lot better to try to get on with them. Instead the Clinton campaign constantly invokes the Russian bogeyman so they can link evil Trump to the reds under the bed. And now the Chinese have joined in. If you're interested in US prosperity, this is not showing safe skills or temperament IMHO.
"... They ne'er cared for us
yet: suffer us to famish, and their store-houses
crammed with grain; make edicts for usury, to
support usurers; repeal daily any wholesome act
established against the rich, and provide more
piercing statutes daily, to chain up and restrain
the poor. If the wars eat us not up, they will; and
there's all the love they bear us.
-- Shakespeare: Coriolanus, Act 1, scene 1