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>>>... And if it's the timing you question - note that this all came out after the audio tape of Trump bragging about such things. (Thus allowing these women to come forward and be believed). You can tell yourself whatever you want to feel better about voting for this jackass - but don't insult everyone's intelligence in the process.
>>The attitude embolded is exactly the mirror position of what Trump at least bragged about. Slap him on the spot, knee him (if the job is really on the line, excuse the reflex action afterwards and hint that "grown-up" action would have been to press charges) but waiting until victory is not phyrric puts the action right in the space of bargaining.
>You've missed my whole point - please refer to the part of my post that you seemed to of omitted here.

As this was adressed to Marcia, I think it needed deletion - and I happen to know female rape victims and I am male.
My point is they should have raised hell right at the very time. The woman describing Trump groping her in a night club - why could she not slap him on the spot ?
If someone crosses a border, you act the very instant, not if by chance years later a tape surfaces. There are asymetrical ways to counter such people.
For me there is no "winner" in such a situation, the only option is to make enough of a stink that

- the person doing unwanted things will never try it again with me
- the person doing unwanted things will perhaps ponder a bit before trying such an approach on others
- others will think a few times before trying similar things with me

Playing opossum before a "predator who is rich and powerful" is not a strategy Sun-Tzu would reccommend ;-))