01/11/2016 16:17:07
01/11/2016 15:37:56
John Ryan
Captain-Cooker Appreciation Society
Taumata Whakatangi ..., New Zealand
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>On one single point - Healthcare - HRC ought to be the only viable candidate. The status quo back to which Trump advocates a return, will have your health system choked within a decade. ACA may not be perfect but looking past the pretense that premiums only started rising with the ACA- there's a heck of a lot of good in there. Capped insurer profits, subsidized computer systems attached to meaningful use... will you really allow all those gains to be sacrificed? I know you disagree, but I've spent since 1992 immersed in this stuff and healthcare is more than capable of ushering in the next revolution for your country, since so much prosperity and pursuit of happiness is built on it. If you will vote for Trump, somehow you need to apply pressure so he doesn't throw out the baby with the bathwater.

The flaw is that ACA was the only medicine. It's bad logic and bad science to maintain that ACA was the only way to do it.

You can't look at ACA in isolation without looking at how badly this administration pushed impractical legislation and executive orders. Everything from a failed stimulus (that misidentified infrastructure requirements and failed to implement incentive-based loans and grants for green energy companies) to an immigration order that got laughed out of federal courts has demonstrated that this administration does not understand what the Austrians (von Mises, etc.) described as "the problem of economic calculation".

Bottom line, ACA is bad and over-architected legislation, implemented by fools.

Even Democrats acknowledge that targeted legislation in such areas as pre-existing conditions would have been sufficient. Instead, you have this monstrosity of a law that expands the power of the IRS. And what do we have in the end? Failed co-ops, insurers leaving the market place, BADLY narrowing networks, increased deductibles for people on employer-based plans, jacked-up premiums in the exchanges, and an increasingly # of physicians who are frustrated. And that's just for starters...

Lastly, as I already pointed out to Victor (and even he mildly acknowledged), invoking the "this is what you'll get with Trump" is not a relevant argument. This is partly why liberals mildly cheered on Trump during the RNC primaries. They knew HRC would look "good" by comparison against Trump.